Site Relaunch

Noticed anything different about this website recently?

The word 'Nuclex' with a stylish font framed by an elliptical ring with three dots

I just finished a complete overhaul of my website. Because my web design skills are utterly hopeless, this time I just gave in and bought a finished template that I had fancied for some time already.

New Content…

Amongst most of the articles from my old website, I also migrated my personal blog (which was running BlogEngine.NET on Mono as an experiment, but ended up with a really annoying spam problem).

The relaunch also sees me replacing Drupal with Joomla. Drupal definitely was more flexible, but managing a Drupal installation almost certainly requires you to write your own modules and the administration interface isn’t nearly as streamlined and Joomla’s. And don’t get me started on Drupal’s yearly compatibility breaking major releases :)

Joomla may not be as customizable, but surprisingly, the design choices they made are almost exactly what I want. The administration back-end is very nice and makes it a pleasure to work on articles, manage images and structure pages. The extensions available for Joomla also are much nicer and produce neater results.

…And a Big Sorry

This also means that any URLs from the old page have now become invalid and that I can not take over the user accounts, forum entries and comments.

I hope the new, more accessible design makes up for the loss ;)

You can leave feedback in the forums. I’d be happy to hear your thoughts on the new design!

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