C++/CLI String Marshaling

It is quite difficult to correctly marshal strings between your C++/cli code and the .NET Framework, even more so if you try to keep performance at a reasonable level.

The code in this article is intended as a replacement for the string marshaling functions found in System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal. It doesn’t use HGLOBAL memory, enforcing exception safety and avoiding possible memory leaks. Strings can be encoded as ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16. The code has been well tested and is being used in production code, thought no warranties whatsoever will be provided if you use it.

Marshaling .NET strings becomes as easy as this:

// Seventh ordinal fooification of bar correlations
void foo(System::String ^bar) {
  using namespace clix;

  // Marshal .NET strings to C++ strings
  std::string baz = marshalString<E_UTF8>(bar);
  std::wstring fiz = marshalString<E_UTF16>(bar);

  // Marshal C++ inline string to .NET
  System::Console::WriteLine(marshalString<E_UTF8>("Hello world!"));


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// clix.h
// Marshals strings between .NET and C++ using C++/CLI (Visual C++ 2005 and later only).
// Faster and cleaner than the System::Interop method because it uses garbage collected memory.
// Use at your own leisure. No warranties whatsoever provided.
// Original code by Markus Ewald (http://www.nuclex.org/articles/marshaling-strings-in-cxx-cli)
// Updated version including several improvements suggested by Neil Hunt
// Licensed under the IBM CPL (free of charge, closed source commercial use is okay)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <vcclr.h>

// CLI extensions namespace
namespace clix {

  /// <summary>Encoding types for strings</summary>
  enum Encoding {

    /// <summary>ANSI encoding</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   This is the default encoding you've most likely been using all around in C++. ANSI
    ///   means 8 Bit encoding with character codes depending on the system's selected code page.
    /// <remarks>

    /// <summary>UTF-8 encoding</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   This is the encoding commonly used for multilingual C++ strings. All ASCII characters
    ///   (0-127) will be represented as single bytes. Be aware that UTF-8 uses more than one
    ///   byte for extended characters, so std::string::length() might not reflect the actual
    ///   length of the string in characters if it contains any non-ASCII characters.
    /// <remarks>

    /// <summary>UTF-16 encoding</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   This is the suggested encoding for marshaling and the native encoding of .NET strings.
    ///   It is similar to UTF-8 but uses a minimum of two bytes per character, making the number
    ///   of bytes required for a given string better predictable. Be aware, however, that UTF-16
    ///   can still use more than two bytes for a character, so std::wstring::length() might not
    ///   reflect the actual length of the string.
    /// </remarks>
    E_UTF16, E_UNICODE = E_UTF16


  // Ignore this if you're just scanning the headers for informations!
  /* All this template stuff might seem like overkill, but it is well thought out and enables
     you to use a readable and convenient call while still keeping the highest possible code
     efficiency due to compile-time evaluation of the required conversion path.
  namespace detail {

    // Get C++ string type for specified encoding
    template<Encoding encoding> struct StringTypeSelector;
    template<> struct StringTypeSelector<E_ANSI> { typedef std::string Type; };
    template<> struct StringTypeSelector<E_UTF8> { typedef std::string Type; };
    template<> struct StringTypeSelector<E_UTF16> { typedef std::wstring Type; };

    // Compile-time selection depending on whether a string is managed
    template<typename StringType> struct IfManaged {
      struct Select {
        template<typename TrueType, typename FalseType>
        struct Either { typedef FalseType Type; };
      enum { Result = false };
    template<> struct IfManaged<System::String ^> {
      struct Select {
        template<typename TrueType, typename FalseType>
        struct Either { typedef TrueType Type; };
      enum { Result = true };

    // Direction of the marshaling process
    enum MarshalingDirection {

    // The actual marshaling code
    template<MarshalingDirection direction> struct StringMarshaler;

    // Marshals to .NET from C++ strings
    template<> struct StringMarshaler<NetFromCxx> {

      template<Encoding encoding, typename SourceType>
      static System::String ^marshal(const SourceType &string) {
        // Constructs a std::[w]string in case someone gave us a char * to choke on
        return marshalCxxString<encoding, SourceType>(string);

      template<Encoding encoding, typename SourceType>
      static System::String ^marshalCxxString(
        const typename StringTypeSelector<encoding>::Type &cxxString
      ) {
        typedef typename StringTypeSelector<encoding>::Type SourceStringType;
        size_t byteCount = cxxString.length() * sizeof(SourceStringType::value_type);

        // Empty strings would cause trouble accessing the array below
        if(byteCount == 0) {
          return System::String::Empty;

        // Copy the C++ string contents into a managed array of bytes
        array<unsigned char> ^bytes = gcnew array<unsigned char>(byteCount);
        { pin_ptr<unsigned char> pinnedBytes = &bytes[0];
          memcpy(pinnedBytes, cxxString.c_str(), byteCount);

        // Now let one of .NET's encoding classes do the rest
        return decode<encoding>(bytes);

        // Converts a byte array based on the selected encoding
        template<Encoding encoding> static System::String ^decode(array<unsigned char> ^bytes);
        template<> static System::String ^decode<E_ANSI>(array<unsigned char> ^bytes) {
          return System::Text::Encoding::Default->GetString(bytes);
        template<> static System::String ^decode<E_UTF8>(array<unsigned char> ^bytes) {
          return System::Text::Encoding::UTF8->GetString(bytes);
        template<> static System::String ^decode<E_UTF16>(array<unsigned char> ^bytes) {
          return System::Text::Encoding::Unicode->GetString(bytes);

    // Marshals to C++ strings from .NET
    template<> struct StringMarshaler<CxxFromNet> {

      template<Encoding encoding, typename SourceType>
      static typename detail::StringTypeSelector<encoding>::Type marshal(
        System::String ^string
      ) {
        typedef typename StringTypeSelector<encoding>::Type StringType;

        // Empty strings would cause a problem when accessing the empty managed array
        if(string->Length == 0) {
          return StringType();

        // First, we use .NET's encoding classes to convert the string into a byte array
        array<unsigned char> ^bytes = encode<encoding>(string);

        // Then we construct our native string from that byte array
        pin_ptr<unsigned char> pinnedBytes(&bytes[0]);
        return StringType(
          reinterpret_cast<StringType::value_type *>(static_cast<unsigned char *>(pinnedBytes)),
          bytes->Length / sizeof(StringType::value_type)

      template<> static std::wstring marshal<E_UTF16, System::String ^>(
        System::String ^string
      ) {
        // We can directly accesss the characters in the managed string
        pin_ptr<const wchar_t> pinnedChars(::PtrToStringChars(string));
        return std::wstring(pinnedChars, string->Length);

        // Converts a string based on the selected encoding
        template<Encoding encoding> static array<unsigned char> ^encode(System::String ^string);
        template<> static array<unsigned char> ^encode<E_ANSI>(System::String ^string) {
          return System::Text::Encoding::Default->GetBytes(string);
        template<> static array<unsigned char> ^encode<E_UTF8>(System::String ^string) {
          return System::Text::Encoding::UTF8->GetBytes(string);
        template<> static array<unsigned char> ^encode<E_UTF16>(System::String ^string) {
          return System::Text::Encoding::Unicode->GetBytes(string);


  } // namespace detail

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
  // clix::marshalString()
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
  /// <summary>Marshals strings between .NET managed and C++ native</summary>
  /// <remarks>
  ///   This all-in-one function marshals native C++ strings to .NET strings and vice versa.
  ///   You have to specify an encoding to use for the conversion, which always applies to the
  ///   native C++ string as .NET always uses UTF-16 for its own strings.
  /// </remarks>
  /// <param name="string">String to be marshalled to the other side</param>
  /// <returns>The marshaled representation of the string</returns>
  template<Encoding encoding, typename SourceType>
  typename detail::IfManaged<SourceType>::Select::Either<
    typename detail::StringTypeSelector<encoding>::Type,
    System::String ^
  >::Type marshalString(SourceType string) {

    // Pass on the call to our nifty template routines
    return detail::StringMarshaler<
      detail::IfManaged<SourceType>::Result ? detail::CxxFromNet : detail::NetFromCxx
    >::marshal<encoding, SourceType>(string);


} // namespace clix



clix.hpp (8.8 KiB)

8 thoughts to “C++/CLI String Marshaling”

  1. Updated on 2012-07-30 for compatibility with Visual C++ 2012 (RC)

    The new Visual C++ version seems to have a problem interpreting nested templates if the parent template depends on a compile-time constant. I found a workaround that compiles cleanly in both Visual C++ 2010 and Visual C++ 2012.

    If you’re getting “dependent name is not a type” error, please redownload clix.hpp from above!

  2. Found a small problem when converting empty .NET strings. The marshalling code crashes when trying to pin the byte array, since it’s empty and it tries to index it.

  3. Good find! I wonder why this has never come up before.

    I fixed it and uploaded the corrected version. If you want to be attributed, post your full name and I’ll add you to the list of contributors at the top of the header :)

  4. Cannot seem to download clix.hpp… something happen???

    Also —- as i seem to get this… with version i have… when using VS2012 .. if i change the options to use Platform toolset – VS2008 this message doesn’t appear when compiling my code.

    Error 1 error C2976: ‘std::array’ : too few template arguments c:\mydev\ldgdev\dotnet\kgbslibrary\clix.hpp
    and this…
    Error 2 error C3699: ‘^’ : cannot use this indirection on type ‘std::array’ c:\mydev\ldgdev\dotnet\kgbslibrary\clix.hpp

    and again repeating the same 2 issues just like these for the other 2 private templates…
    Here are the functions… giving me the error…
    template static System::String ^decode(array ^bytes);
    template static System::String ^decode(array ^bytes) {
    return System::Text::Encoding::Default->GetString(bytes);
    template static System::String ^decode(array ^bytes) {
    return System::Text::Encoding::UTF8->GetString(bytes);
    template static System::String ^decode(array ^bytes) {
    return System::Text::Encoding::Unicode->GetString(bytes);

    Douglas Gantos

  5. Fixed the download. A recent PHP update introduced a segfault when looking up unknown mime types…

    It seems that where you’re including clix.hpp, std::array has been imported into the global namespace somehow (a using namespace std; in a header or appearing before clip.hpp is included). There are no problems in VS2008 (and probably VS2010) because the std::array class didn’t exist in the standard C++ library yet in those versions.

  6. It’s very very useful`. Thank you so much.

    Do you have conversion about not std::string/std::wstring but char*/unsigned char*/wchar_t* as well?
    Thanks in advance~.
    Have a good day~.

  7. @Won Young Jeong: You can already use char */wchar_t * with this code.

    Conversion between char * and std::string / wchar_t * and std::wstring is in the C++ standard library.
    Here are some examples:

    std::string native = marshalString<E_UTF8>(bar);
    const char *chars = native.c_str();


    wchar_t message[] = L"Hello World";
    System::String ^managed = marshalString<E_UTF16>(message);

    Changing marshalString() to directly use char */wchar_t * would be a bad idea, I believe. 1) who owns memory allocated when char * is returned? 2) how is memory freed – free(), delete or CoTaskMemFree()? 3) Embedded \0 characters are no longer possible.

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