First (Free) XNA Game

Today, I started development on my first XNA game. It will be a rather simple game, the real-world version of which I once played in my childhood. This should allow me to get up to speed with the state of the art in 3D accelerated rendering again.

Because I have a job that requires me to sit in front of a PC for more than 9 hours a day, my interest in development at home is fading a bit. I hope this game will rekindle my interest for game development!

Back to the game, what I decided on is a simple game of balance where you have to carefully tilt the game board to maneuver a little ball around obstacles to the finish:

Schematic of a maze with traps in it

Because this is such a simple game, I will release it for free and in full, that means with all notes and its source code!

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